Sierra Service Project

Summer Service Trip 2025

Del Norte, california
June 29 - July 5

Mark your calendars for SSP 2025. This summer we will head to Del Norte County in Northern California, June 29-July 5. This trip is for middle school and high school students (entering 6th grade and up). Young adults also welcome.

SSP is a faith-based service program for middle school and high schoolers. Each summer, teens from many different towns, churches and states gather together to serve. Sometimes the projects benefit local citizens (building wheelchair ramps or doing home improvements for those in need), some projects benefit the community (working at a local community center), and some benefit the environment (trail maintenance and park improvements). While a faith-based program, SSP is not a mission trip. We serve because we believe Christ calls us to serve.

The SSP website has plenty of information about the program and the sites they serve, including site-specific info for Del Norte and a comprehensive summer info packet.

If you have additional questions please contact Jennifer or the church office.


When you are ready to register, here are the instructions:

  • Visit

  • Create an account as either: 1. An “adult volunteer” (anyone attending the trip 18+) OR 2. A “responsible adult” (parent/guardian of a youth 17 or younger). Note: If both you and your child are attending, select the “adult volunteer” option when creating your account.

  • Once you set a password and log in, visit the forms dashboard.

  • On the forms dashboard, use our group’s invitation code to add yourself to our roster: code # e4222bda

  • You’ll be asked to confirm your group’s details to make sure they match our dates and location.

  • Once you’re added to the roster, a button will appear so you can begin your forms! Note: You can save these and return later if needed.

  • As the liaison, I’ll be able to see whose forms are in progress. You won’t show up on my roster until you’ve begun the forms.

  • Adult Volunteers: Your additional required items will be marked as “verified” on my roster when SSP has reviewed these. Details for additional items for adults are in the prep packet, available on the downloads page. Once you begin your forms, SSP will contact you directly if they need additional items to verify you for the program.

  • Reach out to me and SSP for any technical assistance. SSP support can be reached at